This problem is not common, but I encountered it. It is not easy to search on the Internet. It is basically, so I did not add this in front of my title
Tag: com
How to pass long groups from VB6 to C # to COM
I need to pass an int or long array (not important) from a VB6 application to the C# COM Visible class. I have tried declaring the interface in C# like this: < /p>
void Subscribe([MarshalAs(U
64-bit C # with 32-bit VB6 COM object
I have a 32-bit in-process STA VB6 DLL. I regret that there is nothing I can do about it. My C# components greatly benefit from 64-bit. Anyway I call/interface from my 64-bit process This 32-bit dl
Due to the following errors, the CLSID is the COM class factory for components of {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}: 8000401A
Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {000209FF-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} failed due to the following error: 8000401a.
We get the above error from the production server
QuickBooks – Due to the following errors, the COM class factories with CLSID {6C9E80E3-B780-4361-A693-5E5C6BDC83A9} is defeated: 80040154
I received this error:
Due to the following error, the retrieval of the COM factory for the component with CLSID {6C9E80E3-B780-4361-A693-5E5C6BDC83A9} failed: 80040154.
Dim smgrGlobal As QB
COM Interop, the RPC server is not available in C #
I am using COM Interop, I am instantiating COM class objects from interop dll
Therefore, very few objects are successfully instantiated and make remote procedure calls without any problems, But som
ASP.NET-MVC – Session never expired on, unless the user clicks logout
I am building an mvc application.
I hope the session will never expire, once the user logs in, unless the user clicks to log out.
I used it
FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(us life
Prepare to activate the domain name.
Serving the following applications: