Install the software: brew install software name, example : Brew install wget
Search software: brew search software name, for example: brew search wget
Uninstall software: brew uninstall s
Tag: common
Linux common command
1. What command is used to create a directory? What command is used to create a file?
Create a directory: mkdir
Create a file: typically touch, vi can also create a file, in fact, as
Common annotations for Spring
The Spring framework mainly includes IoC and AOP, both of which can be configured using annotations.
Development environment: IntelliJ IDEA 2019.2.2
Spring Boot version: 2.1.8
Create a new Sp
Nginx common command and docker nginx common command
Deploy nginx
nginx #Open nginx
nginx -t #Test the configuration file for syntax errors< br>nginx -s reopen #restart Nginx
nginx -s reload #Reload the Nginx configuration file, and then restart Ngi
HIVE common statement
1Hive Introduction Hive to me is a data warehouse based on HDFS, which provides a type of SQL language (it is basically the same as the SQL standard but has some special differences) , Allows engi
COS commonly used public function lua code
Public resource loading, cache retain; prevent automatic destruction
2. The number is incremented by rolling; after winning the prize, the total gold coins will jump Add
3. Show the number of gold coins rounded up
p> 6. Load the csv configuration file
Summary of common annotations of WebService
Annotation Function Description @GET Query request equivalent Data query operation in the database @POST insert request equivalent Insert data operation of database @PUT Update request equ
The most common Android memory optimization method and prevent leakage caused OOM summary articles
The purpose of memory optimization is to allow us to effectively avoid memory leaks in our applications during development. Memory leaks are no stranger to everyone. To put it simply and vulgarly,
Summary of common functions in the Table library of Lua
table is the Lua language An important data type, some characteristics of table are briefly listed as follows:
(1).table is an “associative ar
Mysql common operation
mysql backup:
docker exec container ID mysqldump -uroot -p password–databases library name> library name.sql –Create user:
create user ‘username’@’%’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘password’;