If a specific attribute returns a specific value, I want to assign a value to the variable. Here, if pr: all / [@ pr: name = current()/ @ cx: name] / pr: properties /(@ ls:middlename) is “cengie”,
Tag: condition
How to tell Hibernate Conditionally ignore the columns in Crud operations
Is it possible in some way to tell Hibernate to conditionally ignore missing columns in the database table when performing CRUD operations?
I have a Java application that uses Hibernate as th
SWIFT: If the Let statement is condition, you cannot use the array filter.
Suppose I have a set of usernames
let users = [“Hello”, “1212”, “12”, “Bob”, “Rob”] I want to get the first user whose name length is 2, so I filtered the array and got the first user
Lua 4.0 Unconfirmed variables and conditional statements
This code confuses me.
if (gogo == true) then
elseif (gogo == false) then
end Why gogo evaluates to true ? Shouldn’t it produce an error?
Evaluate multiple Boolean conditions separately, only one can be true (Delphi)
I have a function that evaluates multiple (7 in my case) Boolean variables and conditions, if only one of them is true, the result is true (of course the rest are false ). I have the following code
How to handle null values in WHERE IN conditions in mysql
I want to include the possible values as null in the conditions of the mysql query.
This is my query: but it doesn’t show any values. Please suggest me how to write WHERE IN The condition contai
iPhone – Different Objective-C type conditions expressed the lack of actors?
I received this error:
The conditional expression of different Objective-C types’struct NSNull *’and’struct NSNMutableArray *’lack a coercion
On this line of code:
((tempArray!= n
Select the latest line that matches the conditions in SQLITE
Suppose I have a table:
Name, status, timestamp I want to choose matching Status =’active’ rows, but only those rows with the latest timestamp are selected. So if there are rows like this: