ServiceModelSectionGroup serviceModel = ServiceModelSectionGroup.GetSectionGroup(appConfig); In view of the above, it is possible to get the ServiceModelSectionGroup from the string/xml in memory a
Tag: configuration
First school applet – configuration problem (3)
11. Import and include two ways to introduce templates< /p> Import:
Template file:common/tmplates/user.wxml
File for calling template: /pages/cate/cate.wxml
1.Create a new folder
XML file configuration database link, “&”
When setting the url attribute, the ampersand will report an error and it needs to be replaced with &
Source type=”POOLED
Reference link: e/details/91440082
Ubuntu dual system in the Windows10 environment, loading graphics card driver, configures CUDA, CUDNN environment
1. Make a U disk for the ubuntu system
1.1, download the ubuntu mirror: download the required version
1.2 , Decompress the downloaded ubuntu image to a USB
Windows Configures Kafka Environment (depending on ZooKeeper, Kafka built-in)
kafka依赖java环境,需要先安装jdk并在cmd中运行java -version 能够正常显示java版本号
1.下载kafka (版本:kafka_2.12-2.3.0):
2.解压后修改zookeeper配置文件: kafka_2.12-2.3.0\config\zookeeper.
Configure the YUM source and operate with YUM
Yum (full name Yellow dog Updater, Modified) is based on RPM package management. It can automatically download and install RPM packages from a specified server, automatically handle dependencies, a
VIM configuration
Detect installed vim
rpm -qa | grep vi< span style="color: #000000; font-size: 16px;"> Install vim yum -y install vim-enhanced
Replace with vimvi
vi ~/.bashrc #Need to restart or use source to r
MQTT service – Mosquitto simple installation and TLS two-way authentication configuration
1. Install and configure Mosquitto
1. yum install Mosquitto
yum< /span> install epel-release -y
yum search mosquitto
yum install mosquitto-devel mosquitto -y pre> 2. Configuration Mo
DHCP Server – Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
The main configuration file: /etc/dhcp/dhcpd.conf is almost empty
Reference template: /usr/share/doc/dhcp-4.2.5/dhcpd.conf .sample
IP information and related lease information: /var/lib/dhcpd/dhcpd
Varnish configuration reverse proxy server
Step1: download the source code
[[email protected] ~]# git clone
Step2: install
[[email Protected] ~]# cd varnish-cache/