Excerpts from the article to http://blog.csdn.net/kongxx/article/details /7218787
When embedded and running Jetty, sometimes I want to start two ports, or provide multiple different services
Excerpts from the article to http://blog.csdn.net/kongxx/article/details /7218787
When embedded and running Jetty, sometimes I want to start two ports, or provide multiple different services
When extracting external connections, the Nhibernate documentation says:
If your database supports ANSI or
Oracle style outer joins, outer join
fetching might increase performance by
Can anyone help me convert this query to HQL
supplierOrderDetails.productID,< br /> supplierOrderDetails.orderQty,
Consider the following classes in a Spring Data JPA (Hibernate) application:
@Inheritance (strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED)
@Table(name = “person”)
public class Person {}
What did I do wrong?
My persistence.xml
My code
I am interested in mobile mesh networks, so we chose it as our graduation project. The idea is to build mobile mesh networks as a technology and Internet connection sharing as the top level of Andr
Set static ip under wifi connection of Raspberry Pi
save the burden of network cable, but ip under wifi connection may change, so you can set a static ip.
sudo nano /etc/dhcpcd.conf, add the
I am trying to limit the upload file size, I set app.config [‘MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH’] to the maximum value I want,
I use This code shows the error.
def request_entit
We are trying to connect the Arduino-based wifi bee (ATmega 328P) to the Cloudant database. The wifi bee uses the wiwhield library to connect to the network. We can use it to connect to cosm(xively
I am currently working as a school technician, and I am writing a shell script that will automatically configure the school’s wireless to a Mac in order to automate the multiple BYOD and employee M