Note: The deployment process of windows Sevrer 2016 and windows Sevrer 2019 is exactly the same
Set each server address:
ExcSrv01 19
Note: The deployment process of windows Sevrer 2016 and windows Sevrer 2019 is exactly the same
Set each server address:
ExcSrv01 19
I have a problem when using .overCurrentContext modalPresentationStyle on the tvOS view controller:
let vc = UIStoryboard(name : “”, bundle: Bundle.main).instantiateInitialViewController() //
I am using a storyboard and have a modal screen, and then I need to push other view controllers so that I can select items for the modal view (similar to the iPhone calendar application Add entry t
When I switch from one view controller (let’s call it MasterViewController) to another view controller (called DetailViewController), the viewWillDisappear on each controller:, viewWillAppear : Wha
I apologize if anyone asked this, but I can’t seem to find it anywhere. I even recreated my question in a demo project in case you guys want to see it for yourself To it, although I don’t know wher
I have a problem to get my navigation controller to work properly! If I click a cell of the table in RootViewController, it doesn’t seem to be the next ViewController.
The error message reads
I have this code in my posts/index view:
-tag_cloud(@tags, %w(css1 css2 css3 css4)) do |tag, css_class|
= link_to, {:action => :tag, :id => }, :class => css_class This Is m
About every 20 pages are loaded, there will be faults in my view. I want to know the value of the variables contained in the Controller before calling View. However, once View is called, I will Los
I have a question about keeping the controller and the view separate. In my opinion, the controller should only pass the model to the view, and the view decides how to display the model. In this wa
I am trying to pass some list of items to the view via ViewData to create a drop-down list. This shouldn’t be too difficult, but I’m new to MVC, so I might be missing some obvious Stuff.