Can you help me convert the unix era into the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss(24h) in sqlite? (GMT 7 is very appreciated).
For example: from 1319017136629 to 4:38:56 PM GMT 7 on Wednesday, October
Can you help me convert the unix era into the format yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss(24h) in sqlite? (GMT 7 is very appreciated).
For example: from 1319017136629 to 4:38:56 PM GMT 7 on Wednesday, October
Is there a way to configure the JOOQ tool to use the PostgresSQL database’s ‘forcedTypes’ tag to convert smallint to Boolean without providing org.jooq.Converter implementation?
This is what
You need to select the database before creating a table with the powerDesinger tool. After determining the database type and version, you can’t Do database conversion again, unless you re-create a
Data model conversion into database Generate database script according to DB design, “Database”-“Generate Database…”;
< /span>
Set the script storage path and name, select “Direct generati
This is some background of my question:
I am on Snow Leopard
I installed RVM (using ruby1.9.2-head to install )
I am using rails3
I installed ym4r using this
The original text goes to:
1) Convert.ToDateTime(string)
string The format is required and must be yyyy-MM- dd hh:mm:ss
2) DateTime.ParseExact
Reprinted from:
The following describes the method of separating single column data combined with commas in sqlserver into multiple columns of data