I am trying to learn generics in Delphi, but TList has a very basic problem.
I have successfully created a list of integers and used 1000 Fill it with an odd number. I want to change every nu
I am trying to learn generics in Delphi, but TList has a very basic problem.
I have successfully created a list of integers and used 1000 Fill it with an odd number. I want to change every nu
I’m currently working on the’inheritance’ code, which has (randomly scattered) a lot of conditional compiler instructions based on the Delphi version, back to Delphi 2. From now on, all development
TObject.GetInterface can obtain an instance of an object to implement an interface. The prerequisite is that the object must be instantiated before running GetInterface
The following method c
I have a custom control,
the ancestor is another custom control,
whose ancestor is TPanel;
that is
TNotMyCustomControl = class(Tpanel);
TMyCustomControl = class(TNotMyCustomControl); Wheth
I am creating a custom control that contains other controls, including two scroll bars, one horizontal and one vertical. There is a property to set one or two scroll bars invisible, it It works fin
I added map(), reduce() and where(qlint: string) to my Spring4D branch.
When I wrote these functions, I found the behavior of the list There are differences when they are created in different ways
Some of my customers want to be able to manually extend my application (when the Windows dpi is set to 96), so I have to implement the extension. Unfortunately, these customers cannot set the Windo
How to get the property list of Object that is not Component (at runtime). Just like Grid Cell, it has its own properties (Font, Align, etc.). Grid such as AdvStringGrid or AliGrid, or Bergs NxGri
I have some delphi code. Given a list of items, calculate the total price and consider any special transactions that may apply.
This code uses another A language rewrite is very important.
I have a function that evaluates multiple (7 in my case) Boolean variables and conditions, if only one of them is true, the result is true (of course the rest are false ). I have the following code