I want to know if there is a way to make an array with multiple types of data fields.
So far, I am using aMyArray: TPoint’s array [0..1]Array;
But now, this is not enough for me. I need
I want to know if there is a way to make an array with multiple types of data fields.
So far, I am using aMyArray: TPoint’s array [0..1]Array;
But now, this is not enough for me. I need
I am using Delphi 7 (I know it is antique) and I am a little confused about the form I am creating and break it when I complete it.
In My main form, I used to “have” the following code;
I have a program that requires a parameter of type TObject, as shown below:
MyProcedure (const AValue: TObject ); I have a Variant array, and I am calling the procedure in a loop, as shown be
Delphi’s JPEG library is very slow. How to improve its performance? I am looking for a fast Jpeg library-save and load jpeg images faster.
I only tested Jpeg.TJPEGImage
From the unit:
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls;
MYPARA = record
title: pchar;
str: pchar;
I am trying to migrate Delphi 5 code to Delphi XE7-WIN64, I am facing the problem of mixed assembly code in the block below. I am also a novice.
procedure IterateMenus(Func: Pointer; Menu1, M
I am optimizing a part of a Delphi application, where the list of objects is often filtered using different criteria. The objects are stored in the TObjectList structure, and each filter is usually
GetDeviceCaps function function: This function retrieves the device specified information of the specified device. Function prototype: int GetDeviceCaps(HDC hdc, int nlndex);Parameter: 1, hdc: