dep: version: devel build date: git hash: go version: go1.10 go compiler: gc platform: linux/amd64 Latest release is v0.4.1
go get -u
dep: version: devel build date: git hash: go version: go1.10 go compiler: gc platform: linux/amd64 Latest release is v0.4.1
go get -u
Knowledge The original meaning of the gradient is a vector (vector), which means that the directional derivative of a function at that point takes the maximum value along the direction, that is, th
I am very new to clojure, but I have been unable to find good resources and examples on the Internet, so I hope someone can point me in the right direction. I have started a project with lein, proj
I just asked a question about using javafxpackager to create a JavaFX jar, you can see it here. My problem is that I cannot include the classpath in the manifest. Well, when I While waiting for the
I am using play framework v2.2.1 and include the following in the build.sbt file.
Resolver.url(“play-redis”, url(“
In an organization with a large number of applications, written in countless languages running on countless platforms and databases, how do people manage the release of builds and patches, especi
When I have multiple dependencies, for example
module A = struct
open B< br /> …
module B = struct
end Is it possible to make OCaml top-level/utop load with all dependencie
I recently read an article that describes that they may obviously break the SRP. And now I am completely confused because I have written some single courses with setters and getters for a long time
I am trying to use two classes to implement a tree structure: tree and node. The problem is, from each class I want to call another class’s function, so the simple forward declaration is Not enough