This article introduces the use of docker to install consul and traditional deployment:
1. Docker-based installation and deployment of consul:
1. Run consul directly with docker run and download
Tag: deployment
Centos7.2 Deploy a single node Redis 3.2.5
#tar -xvf redis.3.2.5.tar.gz –C /usr/local/#cd /usr /local/#mv redis.3.2.5 redis#cd redis#make && make install #cp /usr/local/redis/redis.conf /data/redis/conf#vim /data/redis/conf/redis.conflogfil
CentOS6.7 installation deployment Nginx (detailed primary configuration file)
keepalived + nginx : Realize high availability
web server
reverse proxy, also supports caching(Cached on disk)
Support FastCGI
tengine: Taobao official corrects
Installation deployment of Zookeeper + Kafka Cluster
Preparation work Upload zookeeper-3.4.6.tar.gz, scala-2.11.4.tgz, kafka_2.9.2-, to the /usr/local directory
Unzip the zookeeper installation package
# tar -zx
CentOS 7.6 Installation Deployment Gitlab
1. Introduction to gitlab GitLab is an open source project for a warehouse management system. It uses Git as a code management tool and builds a web service on this basis. GitLab is developed by Uk
Deploy Java Web Project with Jetty
1. Jetty installation
1, jetty
Download from the official website: jetty-distribution-8.1.15.v20140411
jetty-distribution-9.2.9.v20150224 .zip
Extract jetty directly to its
Jetty9 Configuration Guide and Jetty9 Deploy Jenkins
jetty download link: download.html
Jetty installation: span>
Download the specified directory where the .tgz package is unzipped
For example:
Jetty9.4.5 Installing deployment documentation
jetty9.4.5 Installation and Deployment Document 1. Download the installation package wget
Jetty deploys multiple web applications and configures Jetty to serve
Usually, one jetty deploys a java web application, but deploying only one application for a service may cause a waste of resources, so sometimes multiple web applications may be deployed on a serve
After the installation version Jetty-9.4.6 starts the service, you cannot find the resource files under Web-INF in the deployment project.
Because of the first contact with jetty, when deploying the project, follow the online steps to put the war package of the previous project
in the installation directory under webapps.