In my project, my design works well in my Android HTC 2.3.4, but my screen is not displayed completely in 4.0.1 (some designs are cut from the bottom) .Why? Since you haven’t posted any code yet
Tag: discomfort
Unicode – F # – card is not suitable for display in the console
I am using f# to make a console-based card game, and I am trying to use unicode chars to display card suits. The mapping suit-to-char represents the following function: p>
let suitSymbol =
Internet-Explorer-10 – jQuery .map does not apply to IE 10
I have this jquery code:
$(“#tf_zoom”).live(“click”, function ( ) {
var n = $(“.tf_thumbs”).find(“img”).attr(“src”);
var modelid = n.substr(43);
$ .post(“models/get_gallery”, {
iOS – Custom UinaVigationBar can run on the simulator, but not applicable to released version
I want to gain insight into a problem that I have been trying to solve for the past few hours. I have a custom UINavigationBar being configured in the application: DidFinishLaunchingWithOptions by
Ion frame – geographic location is not suitable for ion 3
I am using Ion 3 for location-based work. I can’t get the current location of latitude and longitude here. I mentioned the code I have available. It works well at the browser level, But it does not
Unit test – MULE MUNIT test case does not apply to APIKIT router flow
I have created a Munit test case for the flow generated by the APIKit router. But when running the test suite, I encountered the following exception:
< /p> Exception in thread “main” java.lan