Learn more about Dojo’s server push technology dojox.cometd tool
Server push technology has been It has been out for a while, and there are many open source implementations based on this
Learn more about Dojo’s server push technology dojox.cometd tool
Server push technology has been It has been out for a while, and there are many open source implementations based on this
Does anyone know how to close all modal dialogs created by Dojo? Apparently there was a dojo.popup.closeAll function before, but it is no longer available in the latest version of Dojo API that com
Add zoom function to dialogdefine([ “dojo/_base/declare”, “dijit/_WidgetBase”, “dijit/_TemplatedMixin”, “dijit/_WidgetsInTemplateMixin”, “dojox/layout/ResizeHandle”, “dojox/widget/DialogSimple”],fu
Dojo learning website: http://blog.csdn.net/trendgrucee/article/details/12650163
lang.setObject(“demo.addTabiFrame”, function(tabContainer, href, title, closable){ if (typeof tabContainer === “string”){ tabContainer = registry.byId(tabContainer); var tab “registry.byId(tab} );
DojoWhat can you do? ?
1, to make it easier for developers to add dynamic capabilities to Web pages, and Dojo can also be used in other environments that support JavaScript;
2, using th
Common attributes:
required: true //cannot be empty
trim:true //The spaces before and after are automatically deleted. If there is no content added, an
How to use Dojo to display tabular data and apply the filter function?
The steps are as follows:
1. Insert the number array into the variable data defined by ItemFileWriteStore,
I need to disable the dojo button through the click event, but my dojo button is now disabled. Only the color button also works fine with the click event. How can I limit this? In the j query, when