On a new server, set up the environment, configure yum source, install httpd service, Add the corresponding firewall port, format the hard disk partition 666MB, mount it under /homework, and it wil
Tag: example
Unit test – MULE MUNIT test case does not apply to APIKIT router flow
I have created a Munit test case for the flow generated by the APIKit router. But when running the test suite, I encountered the following exception:
< /p> Exception in thread “main” java.lan
STM32 serial interrupt instance two
int main(void )
uint8_t a=0;//LED high and low voltage control
/* System Clocks Configuration */
RCC_Configuration(); //System clock settings
/*Nested vector interrupt controller
Setting KaudiosessionMode in Apple’s SpeakHere Example will cause the volume to drop sharply. Any solution?
I encountered the problem of too low audio in my own application whenever I used the VoiceChat mode, so as an idiot, I checked and downloaded Apple’s audio unit programming sample code (SpeakHere)
iPhone – Using some symbols as an example method
I looked at a piece of code today and noticed that this particular encoder uses dot notation to access instance methods (these methods do not accept values, they only return values). p> For exam
PowerDesigner (8) – Object-oriented model (with example diagram, sequence diagram, class diagram, generating Java source code and Java source code generation class)
SQLITE FTS example does not work
I have downloaded the latest SQLite shell (Win32) and tried to execute one of the FTS exactly as written in http://sqlite.org/fts3.html#section_3 Example
— Virtual table declaration
PowerDesigner (7) – Object-oriented model (with example, sequence diagram, class diagram, generating Java source code and Java source code generation class)
The original text is from: http://www.voidcn.com/article/p-owwcfxjt-oy.html
The object-oriented model is a model that uses UML (Unified Modeling Language) graphics to describe the system stru
Dubbo-Spring-Boot AUTO-Configure Solutions Not Found Exported Service Solution
This example is based on version 2.7.3 of dubbo-spring-boot-project. It may be outdated according to the new version. Please pay attention when reading.
There are many examples on how to use
29. Writing an automated test case using parameterized
Through the above code, we found that we are adjusting the login interface, but the parameters are not the same. Writing this way will easily cause too much code, so we can use parameterization to