I have been trying to create a function with a list of tuples as parameters, but I keep getting the error: “Unparsed flex record (need to know the names of all fields in this context)” My code is:<
Tag: Field
Hive field Chinese Note garbled solution
Chinese garbled characters in Hive fields. For example, when show create table xxx is executed, garbled characters are found in table-level comments and field-level comments (both????), which are g
Decimal field truncated using NHibernate 3.2 and FluentnHibernate 1.3
I have a situation where the decimal field is truncated to five decimal places when saving to the database. This happens even if I have mapped them with 10 decimal places precision.
I use NHi
Plone – Fields between Move Fields in DEXTERITY
In Archetypes, in order to move a field in a field set (or scheme) to another field set, we can do the following:
< /p> schema[‘creators’].schemata =’default’ However, I did not use Agile to
SWIFT3 – Error via the Cocoapods installation field
I encountered this strange error when installing realm on xcode 8, cocoa pods version cocoapods-1.2.0
The error is –
Installing Realm (2.4.3)
[!] /bin/bash -c
set -e
sh build.sh
SWIFT – How to get the value of the text field from UITABLEVIEWCELL?
So I have this UITableView cell with 4 UITextFields, and I want to get their values when the button is clicked.
This code does not retrieve any Value.
@IBAction func printBtnAction(_
EF data GroupBY multi-field query VB.NET and C # reference
Dim g = lst.Data.GroupBy(Function(T) New With
}).Select(Function(t) New With
.mName = t.Key.mName,
.mPrice = t.Key.mPrice,
.mUnit = t.Key.mUnit,
How to reference the field name in Firedac in Delphi
I am developing an application that runs on multiple databases, many of which have their own way to refer to reserved words as field names, such as
such as< /p>
select `key` from mytable or
Delphi: Can’t find the field ‘false’. Only happened to my computer
I have a TCustomClientDataSet (in memory), which is used to perform some filtering in a Delphi program.
My filtering code is as follows:
CDSFilteredGroup.Filter :=’ACP_type = 1 AND ACP_
MySQL tables and fields
Database import
File storage data, multiple files are placed in a folder for unified management system
Database classification
mysql installation and use
basic operation of database create show use