I’m maintaining a build system that uses svnant from one directory to update a large number of projects in another directory. Then it moves to one of those projects that have been updated and perfo
Tag: file
Improve 2.0 XML Simplexml converter problem, while having retrolambda in a gradle file
This is my gradle file
apply plugin:’com.android.application’
apply plugin :’me.tatarka.retrolambda’
android {
compileSdkVersion 23
buildToolsVersion “23.0.2”
defaultConfig {
ReactJS – Unable to get the webpack require.ensure chunking method work with React-Router and generate a separate bundle file
I want to use the webpack chunking method to generate separate packages for the individual routes in my routing configuration.
One way to achieve it is to use require.ensure to define splits for t
Verify large XML files using schematron
I am using schematron to validate large xml files (several megabytes). If the file is normal (if there are no errors), the validation is very fast. But when the error count increases, it increases
XML file configuration database link, “&”
When setting the url attribute, the ampersand will report an error and it needs to be replaced with &
Source type=”POOLED
Reference link: https://blog.csdn.net/Red_Flag_/articl e/details/91440082
Flex – How do I prohibit a warning for an ActionScript file?
I have an ActionScript 3 source file (.as) which has hundreds of untyped variables. This file works very well although it outputs a warning for each untyped variable , This variable allows me to bl
ReactJS – use react-file-viewer
I am trying to use React-file-viewer. The Npm tutorial is here
but I have an error in the console: “You may need a suitable loader to handle this file Type”
This is my code:
import FileViewe
Flex – Play video from local files from local files using Adobe Air
I want to play videos, and use adobe air to display images and possibly other flash content, and read from the local file system. I have been looking for APIs, and I have not been able to connect t
Bison did not create a TAB.H file
I am new to flex and bison, and I have been working on this project for a few days now. I have a bison file that worked fine before, I changed it a bit, and now it doesn’t Create a tab.h file… I
SHELL determines whether the file directory or file exists
1, file descriptor -e Determine whether the object exists
-d Determine whether the object exists and is a directory
-f Determine whether the object exists, and it is a regular file
-L Determine