I have a problem that QDir loses non-Ascii characters from my file name.
My file name is testingöäüß.txt or exampleΦ.shp , When trying to use Qt utilities such as QDir and QFile, they only sh
I have a problem that QDir loses non-Ascii characters from my file name.
My file name is testingöäüß.txt or exampleΦ.shp , When trying to use Qt utilities such as QDir and QFile, they only sh
If I have a file named mysite.conf stored in /etc/nginx/conf.d. Is there a way to get the string value ‘mysite’ from the conf file?
I want to symlink a common .conf file multiple times becaus
require “lfs”
function dirpath(path)
for file in lfs.dir(path) < span style="color: #0000ff;">do — lfs.dir according to Path to get the file name under the path
if file ~= ‘.’ and file ~= ‘
/// Replace illegal characters in the file name with other characters of the same type
public string ReplaceFileName(string name)
name = name.Replace(“/”, “/”);
I only need to append the string “eng” to many file names in the same directory without changing its extension in MAC TERMINAL. I searched for a long time, I Found the mv command to rename the file