I have run a map job with only 674 mappers, and hive has generated 674 .gz files, and I want to merge these files into 30-35 files. Pass Do not get the merged output, try the hive megre mapfilse at
Tag: file
MapReduce on Hadoop said “output file already exists”
I ran a wordcount example using Mapreduce for the first time, and it worked. Then, I stopped the cluster, started it temporarily, and followed the same steps. This error is displayed:
Hadoop fs -cp, said that the file does not exist?
The new.txt file is certain; I don’t know why when I try to enter the hdfs directory, it says the file does not exist.
deepak@deepak:/$cd $HOME/fs
Even if the PHP file in the browser chrome is normal, the JSON object is empty when Android is logged in.
Follow my course
public class fetchUserDataAsyncTask extends AsyncTask {
User user;
GetUserCallback userCallBack;
public fetchUserDataAsyncTask(User user, GetUserCallback userCallBack) {
Export files from iPhone applications to your computer via WiFi-
I hope someone can point me in the right direction, because I have no experience in network programming. I need to enable users to export files to their computers via WIFI (such as FTP server), jus
Browser – Upload a file larger than max_content_length in the Flask results connection reset
I am trying to limit the upload file size, I set app.config [‘MAX_CONTENT_LENGTH’] to the maximum value I want,
I use This code shows the error.
def request_entit
Crossiler – single file page
I am trying to find a cross-browser feature to save and load the entire web page as a single file. M HTML (.mht) is an example of this file type, but it cannot be cross-browsed Work. Any suggestion
The file download toolbar of the IE browser is automatically saved as
If there is a file to download in IE browser, click the hyperlink of the file with the mouse, a toolbar will appear at the bottom of IE browser. There are two buttons on the toolbar: “Open”
How to Move Intellij Files tab?
In IntelliJ, when you open a bunch of source files, is there a way to rearrange the order of the file tabs? You can drag and drop in Eclipse but I don’t see a way to do this in IntelliJ. There i
Internet-Explorer – Try uploading no files in Internet Explorer, forms not submitted
I have a form with input type=file. Internet Explorer allows users to type whatever they want in the input (and Firefox will bring up the file selector). If the user enters openly Invalid name, for