I created a file in the tmp directory, which contains the following controller code:
def download file_path = “#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/downloads/xxx.html”
data = render_to_string( :action => :show
I created a file in the tmp directory, which contains the following controller code:
def download file_path = “#{RAILS_ROOT}/tmp/downloads/xxx.html”
data = render_to_string( :action => :show
I want to use my asp.Net GridView control to use Christian Bach’s tableSorter client-side table sorting jQuery plugin.
But the problem is, write in it In the documentation:
You and your friends, two people play Nim game together: There is a pile of rocks on the table, every time you take turns to remove 1-3 rocks. The one who removes the last stone is the winner. You
Is there a way to configure the JOOQ tool to use the PostgresSQL database’s ‘forcedTypes’ tag to convert smallint to Boolean without providing org.jooq.Converter implementation?
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