I have several text boxes in winform, some of them are in groupbox. I am trying to loop through all text boxes in my form:
< /p> For Each c As Control In Me.Controls
If c.GetType Is GetType(
I have several text boxes in winform, some of them are in groupbox. I am trying to loop through all text boxes in my form:
< /p> For Each c As Control In Me.Controls
If c.GetType Is GetType(
From a rails best practice point of view, what is the best place to manipulate form data before saving?
For instace, on the contact form, I want to make sure that all data is saved in upperca
In the process of converting VB6 code to VB.NET, I need to replace the following codes, which are designed to close all open forms remaining in the application. p>
‘close all sub forms
Private Sub HScrollBar1_Scroll(ByVal sender As Object, _
ByVal e As ScrollEventArgs) _
Handles HScrollBar1.Scroll
Me.BackColor = HScrollBar1.Value
End Sub How to set the BackColor of the form? H
How to set form number 4 as the default form that will run when you press f5 in visual studio 2008. Because form 1 is always the first to start >Right click on your project in the Solution Explor
I am testing an example from this Q& A Component Creation – Joining Components Together? to understand how to create custom/composite components.
Although the example The components installed
In a multi-monitor environment, I want to be able to get the current monitor and active monitor to save the information when I close the form, and when I reopen the form in the future, the form wil
1. Make the minimize button gray:
setwindowlong(handle,gwl_style,getwindowlong(handle,gwl_style) and not ws_minimizebox);
2. Make the maximize button gray:
procedure TMainForm.KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
if (GetKeyState(Ord(‘Q ‘)) The above event only works when the focus is set to the main form.
If I run the ap
I am creating a custom control that contains other controls, including two scroll bars, one horizontal and one vertical. There is a property to set one or two scroll bars invisible, it It works fin