CSS (Cascading Style Sheet): defines how to display HTML elements CSS selection Basic selector Element selector p< /span>{color:”red”;} ID selector #i1{
} Class select
Tag: Front end
DAY45_9_4 Front end (2) CSS
One. Three types of css import for css:
1. Defined internally in the tag (not recommended).
2. The style in the head always defines the style.
3. Use link to link external css fil
Front-end development CSS3 – text style and boxes and patterns
Bloggers don’t talk nonsense, and directly introduce the attributes and attribute values commonly used in CSS; attributes and values only need to be passed through, the structure of the page st
Front end 2CSS laminated style sheet
CSS 2d
What is CSS?
CSS is used to adjust label styles.
Cascading style sheets
css comments
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Multi-line comment
Multi-line comment
/* T
Vue + Vux + Axios build a simple front-end frame
1. Preparations
Please confirm first Whether you have installed node and vue on your computer, if you don’t have the installed partner, “Baidu it” by yourself~
1, check this The node ve
Some small features in the front end
1, click event @click=” selectCity()” selectCity() method name is written in methods
2, page jump util.navigateTo(“selectCity”) util needs here To import the package, import util from’../util
Front-end automation workflow environment
front-end automation Flow environment Original link: https://blog .csdn.net/zxiang248/article/details/52472237 Learning objective Understand what is Node and what is NPM Master the use