Cassandra does not comply with ACID like RDBMS, but CAP. Therefore, Cassandra selects AP from CAP and leaves it to the user for adjustment consistency.
I definitely can’t use it. Cassandra conduct
Tag: Hadoop
Hadoop (1) Ali Cloud Hadoop Cluster Configuration
Three ECS cloud servers
1.1 Create /bigdata directory
mkdir /bigdata
cd /bigdata
mkdir /app 1.2 Modify the host name node01, node02, node03
1.3 Modify the hosts file
vim /e
Hadoop SQOOP instance
hadoop sqoop (instance) day-1 sqoop: is an open source tool, mainly used to transfer data between Hadoop and traditional databases (mysql). Import data from a relational database into Hadoop’s HDFS
How to read the ORC file in the Hadoop stream?
I want to read the ORC file in mapreduce on Python. I try to run it:
hadoop jar /usr /lib/hadoop/lib/hadoop-streaming-
-file /hdfs/price/
Hadoop Hive-2.3.5 installation
hadoop hive-2.3.5 installation:
Unzip the file: [[email protected] opt]# tar -zxvf apache-hive-2.3.5-bin.tar.gz -C /opt
Establish a soft connection: [[email protected] opt]# ln -s apach
Hadoop – SQOOP cannot be imported into form
I am running a command on sqoop
sqoop import –connect jdbc:mysql://localhost/hadoopguide – table widgets My sqoop version: Sqoop
Hadoop – Hadoop
Hadoop – Apache ozie loading Sharelib failed
I got the following oozie.log:
org.apache.oozie.service.ServiceException: E0104: Could not fully initialize service [org.apache.oozie.service.ShareLibService], Not able to cache sharelib. An
Hive – Hadoop merged file
I have run a map job with only 674 mappers, and hive has generated 674 .gz files, and I want to merge these files into 30-35 files. Pass Do not get the merged output, try the hive megre mapfilse at
Hadoop: Specify YARN Queu for DistCP
On our cluster, we set up a dynamic resource pool.
Set the rules so that the first yarn will look at the specified queue, and then Check the username, then check the main group…
But u