I am using spark 1.5. I want to create a data frame from a file in HDFS. The HDFS file contains json data with a large number of fields in a sequence input file format.
Is there a way to do t
I am using spark 1.5. I want to create a data frame from a file in HDFS. The HDFS file contains json data with a large number of fields in a sequence input file format.
Is there a way to do t
1. Cluster time synchronization
Find a machine, as a practical server, all machines will synchronize with the cluster time regularly, for example, synchronize the time every ten minutes.
1.1 Steps
“The reducer is different from the reduction task. The reducer can run multiple reduction tasks”. Can someone explain this with the following example?
foo.txt: Very good, this is the foo file
/wiki/us/jil I need to get the required page group .If I use hive query to se
Using pyspark I am reading a data frame from a parquet file on Amazon S3
dataS3 = sql. read.parquet(“s3a://” + s3_bucket_in) This is no problem. But then I try to write data
There is not enough space in our small hadoop cluster, so I am checking the disk usage on HDFS and I found that most of the space is occupied by the /hbase/oldWALs folder.
I have checked the
I downloaded spark-2.1.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz from http://spark.apache.org/downloads.html. I have Hadoop HDFS and YARN with $ start-dfs.sh and $start-yarn.sh start. But running $spark-shell –master ya
I am a bit confused about the location of tasktracker in Hadoop-2.x.
The daemons in Hadoop-1.x are namenode, datanode, jobtracker, taskracker and secondarynamenode
The daemons in Hadoop
I want to see if Hadoop’s hdfs file system is working properly. I know that jps lists the running daemons, but I don’t actually know which daemons to look for. < p>
I ran the following comman
Fuck. . . . Can’t connect to the datanode. I don’t know why the datanode can’t be connected. .
2019-07-19 16:10:00,156 INFO org.apache.hadoop.ipc.Client: Retrying connect to server: hadoop102