HAProxy is a free and open source software written in C language, which provides high availability, load balancing, And application proxy based on TCP and HTTP. HAProxy supports virtual hosts. The
Tag: Haproxy
Modify the Haproxy profile
1 global
2 log local2
3 daemon
4 maxconn 256
5 log local2 info
6 defaults
7 log global
8 mode http
9 timeout connect 5000ms
10 timeout client 50000ms
11 t
Configure Haproxy to implement load balancing
1. Introduction to haproxy
HAProxy is a free and open source software written in C language[1], which provides high availability, load balancing, and applications based on TCP and HTTP Progra
Keepalived + Haproxy builds high available web clusters
Haproxy is currently a popular cluster scheduling tool. There are many similar cluster scheduling tools, such as LVS and Nginx. In comparison, LVS has the best performance, but it is relatively com
Haproxy sometimes chooses a wrong ACL
I am using HAProxy 1.4.22. I have the following haproxy.conf file:
maxconn 100000
mode http
retries 1
contimeout 8000
clitimeout 120000
srvtimeout 120000
heartbeat+DRBD+mysql mainly realizes the single point of failure of mysql master
haproxy implements load balancing from mysql
Specific architecture di
Can you use Haproxy to override a beautiful URL?
HAProxy can rewrite the URI from “domain.com/cool/url” to “domain.com/index.php/cool/url” because it passes the request to the web server NS?
Thank you.
reqrep < string>
reqirep (ign
There are a lot of Fin_Wait2, Close_Wait, Last_Ack and Time_Wait in Haproxy
We are running haproxy for about 100,000 concurrent users. But we see a lot of FIN_WAIT2, CLOSE_WAIT, LAST_ACK and TIME_WAIT in the netstat output. This output is on the 8G ubuntu-12.04 node.
Use the Haproxy load balance to connect the WebSocket connection with the Tornado application?
I am using a Tornado application that uses a websocket handler. I am using Supervisord to run multiple instances of the application, but I cannot balance websocket connections.
I know that ng
Haproxy installation CENTOS 7
haproxy installation and configuration centos 7
yum install -y haproxy
##Ignore VIP
echo “net.ipv4.ip_nonlocal_bind = 1” >>/etc/sysctl .conf
sysctl -p
cat> /etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg <<