My question seems to be simple, but I can’t seem to find a valid answer. I have a Hibernate entity which has a ManyToMany association with another entity, which is obtained lazily by default I want
Tag: Hibernate
Hibernate 5.1和Java 8 LocalDateTime
I have switched to Java 8 and Hibernate 5 to overcome the problem of not being able to store milliseconds in Hibernate.
private LocalDateTime date =;
public LocalDateTime
hibernate – java.lang.ClassNotFoundException:javax.persistence.spi.PersistenceProvider
I am using an application using JPA and Hibernate to try to deploy it on Tomcat 7.
It seems that I did not include all the libraries correctly because I received the following stack error:
Hibernate and Ibatis cache
We can use infinispan or ehcache/terracotta to easily use the second-level cache to accelerate hibernate applications, but ibatis only has a simple interface to implement caching. And hibernate kno
Hibernate – @uniqueConstraint Checks multiple tables in JPA
The @OneToMany building on campus has @OneToMany guest rooms.
Room names must be unique on campus
(e.g. campus-A, block-A, room-A and Campus-B, block-A, room-A should be able to store)
Is i
Hibernate – How to set up the biggest result in DetachedCriteria?
I am using DetachedCriteria, I only want the first result of the query, so I want to do something like LIMIT in DetachedCriteria 1. When I search Google, I found setMaxResult but It’s standard.
Hibernate SQL query does not correctly map Boolean value?
Run the following through any SQL client
f, t But this SQL query:
SQLQuery qry = session.createSQLQuery(“SELECT FALSE, TRUE;”);
Object[] result = (Objec
Polymorphism ‘get’ uses hibernate, multi-one, inheritancetype.joined
I have something like this..
A car class, one seat with many seats. Seat has a subclass LeatherSeat.
public class Car {
private Seat seat;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
Hibernate – Delete the parent reference before deleting the entity (if any)
Before deleting an entity, you must delete the entity from its parent list and delete the parent entity from the entity itself.
Example (CMT in EJB) One-to-many from state to city:
Hibernate annotation development
We use annotations in hibernate, which can help us simplify hbm file configuration.
1.1. PO class annotation configuration
@Entity declares an entity br/>@Table to describe the class and table cor