My job is similar to a snake. I want to make a snake body.
The game logic is like this:
The snake moves up and down. The movement should be like real snake movement.
Here, I was h
My job is similar to a snake. I want to make a snake body.
The game logic is like this:
The snake moves up and down. The movement should be like real snake movement.
Here, I was h
See answer in English> PhoneGap Android: How to force Application to use icons from asset\www\res instead res\drawable folder? One
You know how to Android in Phonegap Add a custom .png icon on it?
I try to master Cocos2d by trying to accomplish simple things. At this point, I have a scene, and that scene has a background sprite and a layer. I tried to draw the layer with drawLine. This is my
I am developing an application in Phonegap. I have enabled in my config.xml. p> I use android in Manifest.xml: theme = “@ android:style / Theme.Holo.Light.NoActionBar”.
The problem is. My
I want to read the UID of an NFC tag. The tag does not have any ndef messages or anything (empty), just the UID. It is easy to do on Android, but Phonegap development is faster, So I want to know i
How to use ionic framework to get IMEI on IOS? You can use the “device” object in Cordova. The device object describes the hardware and software of the device. Because of the “device” It is assi
When cordova build android is issued, the build.gradle file will be automatically generated.
I want this script to insert a variable into the strings.xml file. I can add resValue to build.gradle O
< span class="article-type type-1 float-left">Original How does WebService encapsulate XML requests and parse the XML returned by the interface < div class="article-info-box"> Top August 16, 2019
1: 3 steps and a hole to turn on the physics engine:
(1) Turn on the engine: cc.director.getPhysicsManager().enabled = true
(2) Configure gravity: cc.director.getPhysicsManager().gravit
If I run top on my development device, I can see that when my application is using the background of .6% cpu, if I bring it to the foreground it Use 5-6% cpu. The problem is that it is not doing an