I need to store a lot of numbers: 100000076685963
For the integer of the db field type, which is the larger one. In my database migration, I use :
t.integer :fb_uid What field type shou
I need to store a lot of numbers: 100000076685963
For the integer of the db field type, which is the larger one. In my database migration, I use :
t.integer :fb_uid What field type shou
I need to pass an int or long array (not important) from a VB6 application to the C# COM Visible class. I have tried declaring the interface in C# like this: < /p>
void Subscribe([MarshalAs(U
I am using Textmate version 1.5.15 (1523) on OX X Snow Leopard. My .rb file has only basic highlighting, each of which is highlighted in double quoted strings It will break in appearance. The synta
Since 2000, we have been working on ActiveX grid control and have many satisfied customers. The control is still supported, but the main problem we and our customers face recently is 64 The bit ver
I have a VB5 (non.net) project and I want to upgrade to a c# project. Does anyone have any suggestions on methods or free tools that can help me solve this problem. < p>
Thank you
In the process of converting VB6 code to VB.NET, I need to replace the following codes, which are designed to close all open forms remaining in the application. p>
‘close all sub forms
I encountered a problem that Unicode characters are not supported in a VB 6.0 application. I need to set Chinese characters in the record set field in my application-(the size of each field It is s
I want to use .NET code in my application to play system sounds-if I want to use Beep, Asterisk, etc. I have no problem, because I can use:
So this is the problem I encountered. I am converting an old Excel macro to excel add in so that I can share it with my colleagues more easily. I am VB Newbie to .net, but I’m doing what I can, so
How to set form number 4 as the default form that will run when you press f5 in visual studio 2008. Because form 1 is always the first to start >Right click on your project in the Solution Explor