I am using .ini files (according to uWSGI docs). Using environment variables is a good practice, but I cannot make the $environment name syntax work. p> Can I use special syntax to access them?<
Tag: included
VB.NET – Traversal All text boxes, including text boxes in the group box
I have several text boxes in winform, some of them are in groupbox. I am trying to loop through all text boxes in my form:
< /p> For Each c As Control In Me.Controls
If c.GetType Is GetType(
Ruby – Regular expression, look for strings that include but not starting with strings
I am parsing a text file, traversing each line, and I am having trouble finding regular expressions. Part of this parsing involves changes appearing, for example: & Eacute; and & eacute;
Cache – I can include cache responses in the JMeter aggregation report
I need to compare my non-cached load test aggregated data with cached load test aggregated data to calculate the caching efficiency of my website. I have successfully implemented non-cached and cac