I tried to change the column name in the subclass table, but I will not change it with the @AttributeOverride annotation.
@ Entity @Table(name=”emp”)
I tried to change the column name in the subclass table, but I will not change it with the @AttributeOverride annotation.
@ Entity @Table(name=”emp”)
public abstract class AbstractBaseModel{ }
public class Person extends AbstractBaseModel {}
public class APerson extends Person {}
public class B
(function () {
var fnTest = /_super/;
var config = cc.game.config;
var releaseMode = config[cc.game.CONFIG_KEY.classReleaseMode];
if(releaseMode) {
console.log(“release Mode
I began to know that we can implement multiple inheritance using type classes. I have written small Haskell code, but I can’t figure out the problem.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #
I am trying to define the inheritance check predicate is_a/2 in Prolog, but all my experiments so far have failed.
As long as Y is For the superclass of X, the is_a(X,Y) predicate should retu
let mapTuple f (a,b) = (fa, fb) I am trying to create a function to apply function f to a tuple And return the result as a tuple. F# type inference says that mapTuple returns a’b *’b tuple. It also
I want to change the purchase order report in OpenERP 6.1. Do I have to enter and make changes to the purchase module, or can I create a new module to inherit the standard report and cover some det
I don’t know why I can’t find this answer online.
I have a class that implements multiple methods, and I want to write methods to expect them .I don’t know how to do it, or it’s even possible
I have two classes inherited from the third class and they are stored in a list.
I am trying to iterate the list and call each The implementation function of a class, but the code cannot be c
I think some props (for example, themes) are so common in components that the processing (for the super class) to extract them makes sense. Then its default value also belongs to There.