Is there an option to automatically generate dependencies for the INTEL Fortran compiler, such as the “-MM” option of the c/c compiler, can we use it in the makefile? -gen-dep does this, but I r
Tag: item
Objective-c – Remove duplicate from NSMutableArray
I have a problem removing duplicate objects from the moving array.
I have tried these:
noDuplicates = _personalHistory.personalHistory;
for (int i=[noDuplicates count]-1; i>0; i–) {
if ([n
Game Physics – How to use KinematicBody2D to prevent slopes from slipping more ideas?
I have a basic code below. I don’t think the player will slide down on the slope. My slope is now 45°. If the player stops moving on the slope, it will go down Sliding (probably because of velocity
ListView – Change List Background in ReactNative List Backstence
I am new to React-Native. I want to use ListView to select an item. How can I change the background of the list view item to show the selection. I think so. Please help. Let me know where I am What
.NET – Can I use IOC containers to create a dependency that requires runtime values?
I am new to IoC, so I want to know if it is the right tool for the job I want to do.
I am writing a multi-tenant application Program, there are several places where we may want to use differe
Aurelia – For example, an error occurred while installing dependencies
I have been following these examples on the Aurelia website: /framework/latest/contact-manager-tutorial/2
I run’au new’ and follow the pr
.item layout set division line