See answer in English> jaxb unmarshal timestamp 4
I have a simple xml string like this
2013-06-06 21:51:42.252
NOMTEST< br /> 12.70
2013-06-06 21:51:42.252
table> I have a pojo
See answer in English> jaxb unmarshal timestamp 4
I have a simple xml string like this
2013-06-06 21:51:42.252
NOMTEST< br /> 12.70
2013-06-06 21:51:42.252
table> I have a pojo
The intent of this question is the same as in this SO question, except that I tried to implement it without JAXB. But use the reflection used by JAXB.
XML is just a data source, I need Extrac
I want to use XSLT2 to transform XML files in a huge directory with many levels. There are more than 1 million files, each of which is 4 to 10 kB. After a while I always Received java.lang.OutOfMem
The question I want to ask is:
1) What exactly does the hypervisor do? Why is it needed?
2) What is the difference between hypervisor and Java Virtual mMchine?
3) Does JVM use a h
I have a problem when calculating the CRC-16 implementation of a byte array in java. Basically I am trying to send the bytes to the RFID that starts to write the tag. I can use the mac Check the tc
First go to download the linux jdk corresponding to java.
2. Use the ftp tool to upload to the /usr directory
Focus on the source code of LinkedList
1. From the underlying data structure, expansion strategy
2. LinkedList additions, deletions and changes
3. Special processing focuses on attention
4. Trave
Dynamic generation of classes and spring bean management when the java reflection mechanism is running provides great flexibility to the code. It is simple to do whatever you want. It is not recomm
1. Jetty installation
1, jetty
Download from the official website: jetty-distribution-8.1.15.v20140411
jetty-distribution-9.2.9.v20150224 .zip
Extract jetty directly to its
Continued from the above, “A brief analysis of the websocket protocol”. Share the webcoket server and client demo based on jetty9 to implement java version.
There is no theory, not much to say, t