Well, everything can be run in any other browser, not IE8. I connected pie.htc to fix the rounded corners of IE8. Everything is normal. Then I found IE8 There are some problems with html5. This is
Tag: JS
COCOS-JS Load Cocos Studio file Get button implementation
Add buttons in Cocos Studio
COCOS2D-JS implementation Map Vector
/** * Map * Created by Lovell on 16/6/20. */pg.Map = cc.Class.extend({ _elements : null});/** * Create Map * @returns < /span>{*} */ span>pg.Map.create = function (){ var res = new pg.Map(); span
COCOS2D-JS Import Demo Engineering
For work needs, I started to learn cocos2d-JS development. For students with only C++ foundation, it is really difficult. However, all came, and I had to bite the bullet and rush forward.
The pit in COCOS-JS, CTOR can no longer call the CTOR again, otherwise it will cycle
The pit in cocos-js, in ctor, can’t call ctor again, otherwise it will loop infinitely
The pit in cocos-js, in ctor , Ctor cannot be called again, otherwise it will loop infinitely
COCOS2DX-JS (3.14 version) JS and C ++ intermodulation JS and JAVA intermodulation, JS and OC intermodulation
1, JS and C++ intermodulation
When calling, you need to pay attention to: Start xcode or vs, why should this be? It is because C++ needs to register the jsb file.
Use the jsbing provide
COCOS-JS HTTP mode network request
Network structure
Network structure is the way of network construction. Currently there are client-server structure (C/S structure) and peer-to-peer (P2P) structure network. .
Client se
COCOS-JS Compile Android APK
Install cocos2dx or cocos2dx-js Install ndk Install sdk Install vs studio Run setup.py in the cocos2dx directory and fill in the paths of ndk and sdk according to the prompts Open the command wind
Pit in CoCOS2D-JS —- String Type Sensing. The string type in COOCS-JS must call Parseint to convert to integer, otherwise an error
The string type in coocs-js must be converted to an integer by calling parseInt, otherwise an error occurs
The string type in coocs-js must be called parseInt is converted to an integer, otherwise an error occurs
COCOS-JS cannot use RemoveAllChildren, otherwise it will cause the touch priority when it is added again.
1. Do not call removeAllChildren (not very good)
2. Before adding children again, put The parent element is not touchable: setTouchEnabled(false). After adding children, call: