xml (EXtensible Markup L anguage) Extensible Markup Language
1. Use entity references
2. Use CDATA tags p> CDATA is text data that should not be parsed by an XML parser
xml (EXtensible Markup L anguage) Extensible Markup Language
1. Use entity references
2. Use CDATA tags p> CDATA is text data that should not be parsed by an XML parser
Author: Bryan Forbes
Translator: feijia ([email protected])
Original link: http://dojotoolkit.org/documentation/tutorials/1.6/deferreds/
Applicable dojo version: 1.6
Common attributes:
required: true //cannot be empty
trim:true //The spaces before and after are automatically deleted. If there is no content added, an
in all browsers, The style of the hyperlink is different in different periods of mouse click.
(1) Default: the font is blue with underline.
(2) When the mouse is click
1, derived selector div span{color:red}
2, id selector#diva{color:red}
3, id selector and Derived selector combined with #diva p{color:red}
4, class selector.divclass{color}, the
Vim compiler related knowledge 1. About the Vim compiler In popular Linux operating systems, a super easy-to-use text editor is installed by default-the name is “vim” , vimis an upgraded version of
< /p>
Total number of branches = number of summary points-1
Number of leaf nodes = number of double branch nodes + 1
Preface Traversal: Root left and right
Mid-order traversal: left roo
This article is reproduced from: https://www.cnblogs.com/lanqiu5ge/p/9405601.html#_label2, there will be minor adjustments.
Extended reading:
ZooKeeper is an open source