I use the following regular expression to get the text between /* and */:
(/\* )+(.+)(\*/) This method is good when this only needs to happen once, for example, when the entire string is like
I use the following regular expression to get the text between /* and */:
(/\* )+(.+)(\*/) This method is good when this only needs to happen once, for example, when the entire string is like
I recently created a Perl script to search for words starting with D and E with the following code:
$infile =’words.txt’;
open(IN, $infile);
$count = 0;
while ($word = ) {
chomp($word );
if (
Many unicode characters will modify the appearance of the previous character. Have a
modify the following characters? No, unicode only supports modifiers after the protagonist. From definition
So I have this column that contains the street address and house number, and they are all stored in the same column.
For example: Boulevard 123
How can I do this with reg expressions?