In Linq to NHibernate, I am trying to return business users within a certain distance. This is what I have so far:
var query = from b in ActiveRecordLinq.AsQueryable()
where (3959 * Math.Aco
In Linq to NHibernate, I am trying to return business users within a certain distance. This is what I have so far:
var query = from b in ActiveRecordLinq.AsQueryable()
where (3959 * Math.Aco
SELECT (SELECT d.DeptName FROM Dept d WHERE d.Id=p.DeptId) DeptName, count( p.DeptId) AS Count FROM Person pGROUP BY p.DeptIdvar dept = (from p in db.Person group p by p.DeptId into g join d in db.
I talked to a person about linq on a visual basis. He showed the linq expression in vb, but I can’t be sure whether it’s managed or non-managed (vb6) because I never Have used any of them.
I want to execute a Linq to Sql statement that captures (filtered) counts and averages in the data set. My working principle, but in a query should be able to perform the database Two queries.
The following code works fine
using (var ctx = new MyEntities())
{ var devices = ctx.Devices
.Where(x=> x.Device == “TEST”)
return devices;
} What I want to do is to pass in t
I am using Enumerable.ToDictionary to create a Dictionary from linq call:
return (from term in dataContext.Terms< br /> where term.Name.StartsWith(text)
select term).ToDictionary(t => t.Term
How to test a LINQ query, as follows:
var vUser = (from u in this.dbName.aspnet_Users< br /> where u.UserName.Equals(this.wCreateUser.UserName)
select u).Single(); I keep getting the null ex
I think LINQ query language is suitable for IObservable, just like IEnumerable using ReactiveExtensions. I have the following code
Public Sub Foo(source As IObservable(Of Tuple(Of Integer, In
I heard that when testing EF, due to the differences between the LINQ to Objects and LINQ to Entities providers, you need to use integration tests for real-time DB.
Why can’t we unit test the
Is there a difference in performance based on the position of the where clause in the linq expression?
Look at the following code:
dbContext.AnEntity.Include(“AnotherEntity”).Where(e =>