I searched for other people’s package code, and it feels not elegant enough, mainly because the timing of calling set_keepalive is not good.
The code below myself uses coroutine, and set_keepalive
Tag: lua
Lua – reading documentation to an array
Sorry, I am still learning Lua. You can correct me, why the data in the file is not read line by line?
This is my sample data in the file points.txt:
rey:40: 2
Lua – Drag Physical Objects in Corona SDK
I am trying to drag a dynamic object with gravity = 0,0 in my scene. I have a dynamic square and a static image, but when on the image There is a little power when dragging the square, but it can e
LUA foundation
Single line–
Multiple lines
This is the simplest, only the value nil belongs to this class, which means an inval
LUA script date after writing
I am new to lua scripting. I have a startDate (“03-05-2014” as “dd-mm-yyyy”) and a span of days (2) anyone Can you help me how to get endDate based on startDate and span?
Example startDate sp
Pass Lua scripts from C to Lua
I want to pass a Lua script (code that can be processed by the Lua interpreter) from C and return the result.
I looked at it on the Internet, but I found There are not any examples that can h
OOP – Lua – Try calling method ‘new’ (zero value)
Lua newbie, trying to figure out how to use middleclass library for OOP
module(…, package.seeall)require’middleclass’
Person = class(‘Person’);
function Pe
Type – LUA table in the table shows zero
I am learning the code in Lua and encountered a problem with my code. This is the first time I use a table. Whenever I call a specific table in another table, My type is nil, and the print table do
Use Lua to define NPC behavior in the C gaming engine
I am using Lua to perform NPC behavior in C game engine. I encountered some problems during the design process.
For those that require multiple frames to execute For everything, I want to use
Lua traversal folder
1. Traverse all lua files under the file, This can be changed, only use luaforwindow to execute
1. Traverse all the lua files under the file, this can be changed, you need to use luaforwindow