As shown in the figure, the properties of flex are divided into 12 properties of parent container and child container.
As for what these attributes specifically mean, there are many tutorial artic
Tag: Medium
User interface design in Flex
I am familiar with Actionscript and Flex. But when it comes to designing interfaces in Flex, I found myself not sure where to start. I want to know how to create cool users such as TweekDeck and Ad
The appearance of the load is not loaded in the child application (in Flex)
We try to develop a Flash game engine with multiple abstract layers. This flex project contains:
Application (1)->Loading class (2) – >Load another class (3) that implements the Flex componen
ReactJS – Reactivity: Rendering in the list of sizes, having obvious delay
When navigating to a route with 250 duplicate components, I encountered a delay in react and react routers.
I used chrome to analyze and found that the bottleneck was “ReactCompositeComponentMixin
How to refresh the application in Flex?
I designed a quiz application in Flex 4. Finally I want to reload my application (ie refresh the page in the browser). Finally, I will show in the alert Score. After that I want to reload the curre
Replace all spaces, symbols, numbers, uppercase letters in ActionScript?
What is the best way to simply use strings
var myString:String = “Thi$i$a T#%%Ible Exam73@”; and make myString = “thiiatibleeam”;
Or another example
var myString:String = “Totally
New features in dojo Mobile 1.8
What’s new in Dojo Mobile 1.8, Part 1: New Widgets Enhance your mobile application with these new widgets
Dojo Mobile ( is a Dojo Toolkit package for creating lightweight mobile
System service table descriptor in Windows system call
Windows kernel analysis index directory: https://www.
System service table descriptor in Windows system call
in front , We will solve the system s
Use embedded Microsoft Query to store passwords in the Excel Mac 2016 ODBC connection
I am building an Excel Mac 2016 file that uses the embedded Microsoft Query service to establish multiple connections to SQL Server. The problem is that I cannot store the password in the connectio
Tutorial Tutorial in DoJO (1)
I have a basic understanding of the use of tree in dojo, and now do some more classic applications.
First take a picture to show the overall goal:
Roughly, there is a tree on the left a