In principle, two nodes are not allowed to have the same ID segment in a CAN-bus network, but what if the two nodes have the same ID segment?
Before the experiment, we must first have a clear un
Tag: Medium
How to read data from serial ports in R
I want to draw real-time data from the serial port. I think R is a good tool for this job. I encountered a stumbling block while trying to read data from the serial port (COM4) I have verified that the data is entered via terra term (and closed the session before trying R), but I can’t seem to get anything in R.
Combination hardware multiplication in Verilog
Suppose I have such a multiplier code,
module multiply(
output [63:0] result,
input [31:0] a,
input [31:0] b
assign result = a * b;
endmodule This will create a lot of doors.
MAVEN environment installed in Mac
—Restore content begins—
1, maven download
Download link: tar.gz
2. Decompress and configu
PCIe X8 network card in PCIe X16 slot
My motherboard has only one x16 PCIe slot and no x8 slot. I am buying a NIC with a very specific configuration, but it only works with x8 slots. I can plug in x16 Is an x8 card inserted in the slot
MacOS – capture events in Mac OS X
Does anyone know how to capture events in Mac OS X? My problem is that I need to intercept e.g. MOUSEKEYDOWN or maybe KEYSTROKE before the event reaches any application. My goal is to prevent the e
Why is the system disabled virtualization in the BIOS setting?
I haven’t seen a system whose default configuration supports MMU and directed I/O virtualization. Usually this requires rebooting and entering the B IOS to enable it (if needed), for example , 64-b
What is the pixels and points in the iPhone?
From UI Image Reference,
The dimensions of the image, taking orientation into account.
@property(nonatomic, readonly) CGSize size Discussion
In iOS 4.0 an
iPhone – UIActionsheet in the horizontal direction has incorrect Buttonindicies
I have an action sheet that makes me feel sad about the horizontal iPhone. Everything is displayed very well, but in Landscape, the first real button has the same effect as the cancel button Index,
I have developed an iPhone application that already runs MPMoviePlayer (pre 3.2 SDK) without any problems. I know this is a newbie question, but how to play movies in the new MPMoviePlayerViewContr