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Tag: Message
How to change the WCF message encoding of NETTCP in programming?
I have a custom intranet application with no interoperability requirements. We programmatically construct a NetTcp channel in duplex mode to pass messages. We want to change the message encoding, b
Hadoop – Kafka Spark streaming: Unable to read
I am integrating Kafka and Spark, using spark-streaming. I created a theme as a producer of Kafka:
bin/kafka-topics.sh –create –zookeeper localhost:2181 –replication-factor 1 –partitions
Internet-Explorer – IE11 – Avoid Window Close Confirmation Message
My requirement is that when I click to download a file, a new tab will open. If the file exists, it will start downloading, if not, it should close the new tab and display an error Message.
COCOS-JS network communication reads and writes messages and load proto files
/** * Created by Lovell on 16/6/20. *//** * html decode * @param < span style="color:#629755;font-style:italic;">str * @returns {string} */pg.htmlDecodeByRegExp = function (str) {var < /span>s =
Cordova – Why do I receive a message? “All containing players don’t subscribe”?
I am trying to use OneSignal to set up location-based push notifications, but I am not receiving notifications. I am getting an error. All players included are not subscribed. I don’t know what the
Ruby-on-rails – Error message in Ruby on Rails
I implemented the validates_presence_of field for the comments in the guide. How to display validation errors on the post page. I know the rendering, but with the rendering I need to send all the v
Inno-Setup – Innosetup Uninstall Ask News – Pascal Coding
I created an installer for some of my games, and I want the uninstaller to be able to ask me if I want to save my game files.
Things like this: when I execute uninstall. The exe asked me’Do you wa
Message-Queue – How do I understand the role of queues in a distributed system?
I’m trying to understand what is the use case of queues in a distributed system.
And how does it scale and how does it ensure that it is not a single point of failure in the system?
Any dire
Protocol-buffers – maximum serial Protobuf message size
Is there a way to get the maximum size of a protobuf message after serialization?
I am referring to messages that do not contain “duplicate” elements.
Please note that I am not referrin