Multiple inserts:
with tmp_a as (
select name from tmp_test3
from tmp_a
insert overwrite table tmp_test1
select name where name = ‘test123’
insert overwrite table tmp_test2
select na
Multiple inserts:
with tmp_a as (
select name from tmp_test3
from tmp_a
insert overwrite table tmp_test1
select name where name = ‘test123’
insert overwrite table tmp_test2
select na
The @OneToMany building on campus has @OneToMany guest rooms.
Room names must be unique on campus
(e.g. campus-A, block-A, room-A and Campus-B, block-A, room-A should be able to store)
Is i
How to specify the import file I want to run hibernate. Is there a configuration option I can put (I think I have seen something similar somewhere) I can say custom. sql file and hibernate will run
Can anyone help me convert this query to HQL
supplierOrderDetails.productID,< br /> supplierOrderDetails.orderQty,
I have a page, let’s say:
But I want to divide it into 3 pages:
>One page, just a sidebar
>A’featured’ page is just the’green’ part (feature
I created a demo JS code to check mousedown event handling.
For ordinary dom elements, mousedown should warn 1 and 2. Why is it not In the same situation as the windowed plugin, I have subscr
If you have a collection view and you change items by inserting several, the default layout will fade them out at the same time. Is it possible to fade them one by one?
I’m thinking about sub
I am looking for a scenario where I need to create a “main” Silverlight application, and then add “sub” applications to the Silverlight application outside the browser. The scene is like this.
Referring to my previous question (Silverlight MVVM Confusion: Updating Image Based on State), I started to adopt a new method. I left the existing question because I don’t want to be sure My new m
Unexpectedly, there are so many typos in the original text. I am really sorry for the audience. Not many introductions to opengl es 2.0. I believe that I will be the only one who introduces many te