This is a very simple Haskell code to find all Pythagorean integers from 1 to 200 that satisfy the Pythagorean theorem X ^ 2 = Y ^ 2 Z ^ 2
let l = [1..200]
let pythagoras = [x
This is a very simple Haskell code to find all Pythagorean integers from 1 to 200 that satisfy the Pythagorean theorem X ^ 2 = Y ^ 2 Z ^ 2
let l = [1..200]
let pythagoras = [x
I have been trying to follow the “Getting Started with Ionic” steps, and it seems that I cannot pass Step 2 “Start the project”. When I try to create an Ionic project, I get the following error.
If I run top on my development device, I can see that when my application is using the background of .6% cpu, if I bring it to the foreground it Use 5-6% cpu. The problem is that it is not doing an
I am working in a new rails application and I created a small utility class in RAILS_ROOT/lib. I use this class in a controller with require. This class is loaded correctly locally, but when I depl
I am testing an example from this Q& A Component Creation – Joining Components Together? to understand how to create custom/composite components.
Although the example The components installed
I have a TCustomClientDataSet (in memory), which is used to perform some filtering in a Delphi program.
My filtering code is as follows:
CDSFilteredGroup.Filter :=’ACP_type = 1 AND ACP_
procedure TMainForm.KeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
if (GetKeyState(Ord(‘Q ‘)) The above event only works when the focus is set to the main form.
If I run the ap
So I run perl 5.10 on core 2 duo macbook pro compiled with thread support: usethreads = define, useithreads = define. I have a simple script to read 4 gzip files , Each file contains 750,000 lines.
I am running a kubernetes cluster on my centos machine.
I don’t want to create a pod for mysql. MySQL is installed on another machine in the same network (the machine is not dedicated to kubernate