The first way:< /span>
tools->display preferences->object view ->reference, select the checkbox before the constraint name.
I tried it myself, it seems that it doesn’t It’s not easy, I
The first way:< /span>
tools->display preferences->object view ->reference, select the checkbox before the constraint name.
I tried it myself, it seems that it doesn’t It’s not easy, I
When powerdesigner connects to oracle11g, I created a table aaa
The generated SQL statement is:
drop table ” aaa” cascade constraints;
create table “aaa”
“id” INT not null,
The previous article described the deployment of nginx+vsftpd download and upload services
This chapter will write about history optimization and cd
After reinstalling the computer, I had problems using the old flourinefx application that worked perfectly.
For some function calls (I think those Including custom objects), I get:
The error is shown in the figure:
The reason for the error is:Because of net start + service name, the service registered under win is started . At this time, mysql is not registered to the s
I am writing a piece of code to verify the Xml signature in the X509 certificate and get the exception message in the subject line.
My sample code
Dim cert As X509Certificate2 = GetCert