I am trying to install react-native through npm install –save react-native for my library so I can export a react component that uses View as a wrapper, and its children are platform-independent .When I try to import react-native, it spews hundreds of lines, saying that it cannot parse the module in react-native
Tag: Native
React-native – How to process the iOS status bar height change during the active call in React Native?
During a call, the status bar in iOS will change its height. A larger status bar will cause the TabBar IOS in my RN iOS app to be partially pushed away from the bottom of the screen. In addition, w
Flex Mobile supports native mobile features?
Does flex mobile support in-app purchases, push notifications, etc. that can run on all supported mobile platforms (iOS, Android, Blackberry playbook)?
Thank you
You can read about the
ReactJS – React-Native Animated.event Custom Onscroll Listener
In the official react-native document, there is a section about the Animated.event method. For example, they use the following code:
// scrollX = e.nativeEvent.cont
React-native – Unable to connect to the remote REDUX DevTools to connect to this machine application
I cannot use redux to connect my react-native application to redux-devtools-extension to remote-redux-devtools.
I am on macOSX Use android devices connected via USB on Sierra.
// config
React-native – Promise using GraphRequestManager
Does anyone have an example of how to use GraphRequestManager’s promise?
I got the attribute of Undefined error cannot be read in my action creator.
function graphRequest(path, params, token
Flex – uses Ant MXMLC tasks with native extensions
I have an AIR application and I am compiling for mobile. There is an iOS native extension (JamPot MobileBackup) that compiles well when used in an IDE.
The problem is that this particular ANE
React-native: Unless click on the screen, the application will be attacked when debugging
My Android application contains two screens: “Login” and “Dashboard”.
Login works fine, but the dashboard is a troublemaker. < /p> First question:
On the login screen, I can open the debug m
React-native – React Native: What is the default font used by this machine?
I am trying to use the same font as the default font used in React Native to make graphics, but I don’t know what the font is.
Who knows ?
fontFamily:’system font’ Please note that if y
ReactJS – React Native Navigator – Convert and uninstall the previous scene
I am using React Native app and implemented with cross-platform Navigator. In one instance, I have a scenario, “login” route, when the user successfully logs in, I want to push to Another scenario,