If I read the document correctly, if I have an Order entity that uses version column mapping (added by nhibernate), then changes to the order line should update the aggregate root (order) Version n
Tag: no
Hibernate SQL query does not correctly map Boolean value?
Run the following through any SQL client
f, t But this SQL query:
SQLQuery qry = session.createSQLQuery(“SELECT FALSE, TRUE;”);
Object[] result = (Objec
Hibernate – Envers: Unidirectional OneTomany does not have additional audit tables?
The following database structure:
Employee [EMP_ID(PK), name, salary]
Phone [ID(PK), number_str,OWNER_ID(FK)]
Employee_aud [EMP_ID(PK),REV(PK / FK),REVTYPE,name,salary]
Hibernate queries unmapped table
Is there a way to use java bean functionality on unmapped tables?
So, I have a table that is only used for reading and it will never be modified. I need to query it to display the data. But I
LINQ to NHIBERNATE – Did not implement method COS
In Linq to NHibernate, I am trying to return business users within a certain distance. This is what I have so far:
var query = from b in ActiveRecordLinq.AsQueryable()
where (3959 * Math.Aco
Hibernate is not inserted into the DTYPE – value NULL
I basically have the following categories:
@Table( name=”user “)
@Inheritance( strategy = InheritanceType.JOINED )
public abstract class User implements Serializable
private static
Internet-Explorer – IE 9 request without a method of responding
This is a very strange browser problem encountered by my users. My company website has been working for several years. A user reported that he could not load our website a month ago What he sees is
Internet-Explorer – CakePhp session value does not enter IE browser
It’s so good
I didn’t get the Session value in the IE browser of the Cakephp(2.2.0) project. Please find the following scenarios and suggest What do I need to do.
Scenario – 1
Internet-Explorer – Try uploading no files in Internet Explorer, forms not submitted
I have a form with input type=file. Internet Explorer allows users to type whatever they want in the input (and Firefox will bring up the file selector). If the user enters openly Invalid name, for