Supplement: How to determine the path of the psql configuration file
①Switch to the psql user, here is thunisoft.
② There are many ways to determine the path, here are some commonly use
Supplement: How to determine the path of the psql configuration file
①Switch to the psql user, here is thunisoft.
② There are many ways to determine the path, here are some commonly use
Below are two almost identical postgres queries, but produced very different query plans and execution times. I assume that the first query is fast because form_id =’W40′ is only 196 Form_instance
The renderings of this example:
Code file:
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls;
One. Multi-platform architecture packaging so file
Add the following code to the file, where TARGET_CPU_API represents the target cpu and APP_ABI represents the compilation
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The original text goes to:
1) Convert.ToDateTime(string)
string The format is required and must be yyyy-MM- dd hh:mm:ss
2) DateTime.ParseExact