Recently encountered a problem in the project. For a newly created activity, the activity set the start time and end time, which is just a status code change in the database. However, there is a pr
Tag: Processing
Spring boot log processing
2.4 Log processing 2.4.1 Record log content Request url Visitor ip Call method classMethod Parameter args Return content 2.4.2 new package aspect, new log aspect processing class package com.fei.
[Repost] Nginx Image Module Picture Thumbnail Watermark Processing Module
Nginx Image Module image thumbnail watermark processing module
Download Tengine
tar- zxvf tengine-1.4.5.tar.gz
cd tengine-1.4.5<
Smart-Mobile-Studio – Where to perform the final processing before the application is closed?
When the form is closed or the application terminates and is unsuccessful, I have been trying to write data to the storage.
I first tried from the Form unit< /p>
procedure TForm1.Finali
Silverlight – ToggleButton Control VisualStateManager: Handling multiple hover status
Referring to my previous question (Silverlight MVVM Confusion: Updating Image Based on State), I started to adopt a new method. I left the existing question because I don’t want to be sure My new m
How to deal with the FCM notification on custom OS phones such as OPPO, VIVO, MIUI?
I implemented FCM push notification in Android App.
I got all notification JSON in the data payload. I “not added” the’notification’ tag on the api. Therefore, in all states (foreground/background
Error handling – Xcode: How to configure a project to make the most stringent compiler settings?
Sometimes, due to the accuracy of the programmer’s compiler, language or luck, the programmer may use some rather sloppy code. In order to produce the cleanest build, I want to configure my Xcode s
WebService – custom annotation processing parameter addess questions
webservice-custom annotation processing parameter encryption and decryption problem The webservice was used in the previous project, and I knew it before After a bit of apache’s cxf framework, so I
What is the best way to handle an integer overflow in C #?
Dealing with integer overflow is a common task, but what is the best way to deal with it in C#? Are there some syntactic sugars that are simpler than other languages? Or is this really the best way
Error handling – Lua error handling
I am new to lua.
I tried to use< br>and it throws an error on the inaccessible directory.
This seems to be caused by luaL_erro