I have a table with date and time fields. I have a hard time understanding how I deal with this problem, partly because I don’t understand how time is converted to a number. I use the following The
Tag: Processing
NOSQL – Redis: Handling failover?
Redis really seems to be a great product with built-in replication and amazing speed. After testing, it definitely feels like a 2010 memcached replacement.
However, since memcached is usually
C – OpenCV: Handling Each Frame
I want to write a cross-platform application that uses OpenCV for video capture. In all the examples, I found using the grab function to process the frames from the camera and wait for a while. I w
Delphi CreateThread thread transmission multiple parameter processing methods
unit Unit1;
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls;
MYPARA = record
title: pchar;
str: pchar;
What is the purpose of the “pause” instruction in X86?
I am trying to create a dumb version of a spin lock. While browsing the web, I encountered an assembly instruction called “PAUSE” in x86, which is used to send the processor Provide hints for curre
SAP Cloud Platform CloudFoundry Environment Error Processing More than Quota
When trying to deploy the application to SAP Cloud Platform CloudFoundry using the command line CLI, I encountered the following error:
The reason is that the newly created subaccount named H