Google Protocol Buffer (Protobuf for short) is a lightweight and efficient structured data storage format that is platform-independent, language-independent, and extensible. It can be used in field
Tag: Protobuf
PROTOBUF text format analysis map
This answer clearly shows some examples of raw text parsing, but no examples of maps.
If a prototype has:
map aToB I guess it is like this:
aToB {
123 : “foo”
} But it doesn’t wo
Protobuf3: String verification using regular expressions
I have been using Protobuf3 to define PB messages:
syntax = “proto3”;
package vioozer_protobuf ;
message Update
string sensor_id = 1;
} In my system, The sensor has a unique id format
Nanopb protobuf learning
Install tool software:
$ sudo apt-get install protoc // Generate .pb file from proto
$ sudo apt-get install python // Use official python The script generates the c and h files that can be us
How to use Dart-Protobuf
I am considering using dart-protobuf instead of JSON in one of my projects. The problem is that the library does not provide any examples of how to use it, and the tests did not really help.
Rest – Can PROTOBUF FIELD MASK can be applied to GRPC unique?
Let’s take this example from the official doc:
// Updates a book.
rpc UpdateBook (UpdateBookRequest) returns (Book) {
// Update maps to HTTP PATCH. Resource name is mapped to a URL path.
Protocol-buffers – Protobuf3: How to describe the mapping of repeating strings?
Official documentation about map type says:
map map_field = N ;
…where the key_type can be any integral or string type (so, any
scalar type except for floating point types and bytes).