I have two models, events and users share many-to-many associations. Users can be administrators, managers or producers.
Only the producer belonging to an event can read Take the event. I tried to
Tag: rails
First exploration: Ruby on rails
One. Installation Ruby installation: https://ruby-china.org/wiki/rvm-guide
Note: After installing RVM and Gem< /p> Install rails:
gem install rails -v 5.1.4 # specific version installation
Ruby-on-rails – Dynamic `named_scope` depends on some standards
Dear, I have a student model, I have specified some name_scopes in it, such as from_program, from_year, from_school, has_status, from_course, etc…
Anyway, can I dynamically link different n
Ruby-on-rails – Virtual Ruby Development Environment
I mainly do ruby on rails development on my machine, but sometimes I end up using other laptops for RoR development. If there is something (maybe the shell?) it will be fine, this Basically all t
Ruby-on-rails – Start the Rails server with absolute path
I am trying to make a script to run my Rails development server, but the absolute path does not want to work.
This is what I have;
/home/me/dev/app/script/rails server>> /var/log/rails.
Ruby-on-rails-3 – several questions about the drill
I have some questions about Capybara. I might as well ask here because the RDOC in the github page for Capybara is very suitable for setup and operation. But where is the list of APIs or available
Ruby-on-rails-3 – rails 3: Scaffold Destroy Action Redirects
I created a simple scaffold, the problem is, when I try to delete the record, click destroy rails to redirect to the show action, this is the link code automatically generated when I generate the s
Ruby-on-rails – Overweight Rails Default RAKE Task
I have a Rails 2.2 project in which I want to override the functionality of rake db:test:prepare tasks. I think this will work, but it doesn’t:
namespace :db do
Ruby-on-rails-3 – Rails 3 Replacement Verification
I am new to rails, but am reading the documentation about verifying params in my controller, they seem to refer to the verification method. But in rails 3, it indicates that it is not recommended V
Ruby-on-rails – use the activity record in the IN clause of the library to create an integer list
I am trying to use ActiveRecord to replicate some SQL functions. My question involves me using the ruby connection method (not to be confused with SQL connection). This is my code:
scope :s