myUrl=”http://www.google.com span>”
readonly myUrl
myUrl=”http://www.runoob.com span>” Output
bogon:Desktop macname $ ./test.sh
./test.sh: line 4: myUrl: reado
myUrl=”http://www.google.com span>”
readonly myUrl
myUrl=”http://www.runoob.com span>” Output
bogon:Desktop macname $ ./test.sh
./test.sh: line 4: myUrl: reado
I recently had a RDS read copy that crashed, so I need to start a new read copy.
Now I read the copy there.
I want to delete the one that failed.
Is this just a case of terminatin
It seems that disabling the checkbox via the Disabled attribute will also make the title gray. Does anyone know how to keep the title enabled but disable input?
Based on Paul’s ide
I tried to promote the read replica to a separate RDS instance. It took nearly 10 minutes during this period. As far as I know, it should break the replication process and synchronize the time lag.
My code reads through one connection and writes through another connection. I don’t want to accidentally write with the read connection. How can I make a read-only connection? I’m using SQLite ATM,